Neither police nor the school system released additional details about the situation.

"We have communicated with families at the school and will continue to support our school community in any way needed," the email read. In an email to parents, a Henrico Schools spokesperson call it "an extremely serious and upsetting situation." So these are serious charges that have significant penalties to include a lifetime on the sex offender registry." "It's not something she forced him to do and most likely they agreed to do it, but the law recognizes a 13 or 14-year-old can't agree to do that legally. "It was not a rape or a forcible sodomy," CBS 6 legal analyst Todd Stone said. Police said the crimes took place during the 2022- 2023 school year.

From this case, enough information was gathered permitting Henrico County police to seek indictments related to potential sexual acts between an adult and a teen minor." "An investigation was opened, thoroughly investigated, and remains active. "In early June 2023, Henrico Police was made aware of potentially inappropriate acts involving an adult acting in a custodial manner with a Henrico County student," a Henrico Police spokesperson wrote in an email. Jordan taught at Hungary Creek Middle School in Henrico's West End, according to Henrico Police. Megan Pauline Jordan, 25, of Chesterfield County, was charged with eight counts of carnal knowledge and two counts of indecent liberties. Police arrested a now former Henrico County middle school teacher accused of having sex with a teenage student, Crime Insider sources told Jon Burkett.