A permanent crash bug can cause vaults to be lost forever with a possible solution for iOS users here.This is only found in Android & the thread can be found here. Objectives can reset when quitting back to the main menu.

A potential solution can be found in this thread A game breaking bug may be triggered when looking at the "Objectives" screen when the objective "equip X Missile Launcher" is present.Exporting vaults to other devices may cause the save to not overwrite itself.Buildings being built for less than their actual cost.Some pregnant Dwellers are not giving birth to their children. Assuming for Android, like the previous iOS release bug.Such as in-game events not happening, explorers not finding items, rooms glitching, and other random bugs. Setting the time forward on the user device, then returning it back to current time creates problems.Please contact the moderation team to report a bug, or the correction of a bug posted below.